7 Tips on Attending Beyoncé’s Renaissance Tour
Prepare yourself for an experience of a lifetime!
Dress to impress!
Beyoncé has the most beautiful, best dressed fans so make sure you dress to the nines! My mouth literally dropped every 5 seconds seeing everyone’s incredible looks.
Plan out a fun outfit, accessories, and/or hair and makeup! Think silver, disco, cowgirl, space alien, and/or sequins and glitterified!
Listen to other Beyoncé albums in addition to Renaissance!
The best part about this concert is that she sings several favorite songs from different albums, not just Renaissance. She especially sang a lot from 4.
Practice your key changes for the a cappella Love on Top!
Know the lyrics of Heated by heart.
This is an amazing chance to witness a set culminating her entire incredible career!
Plan your hotel and/or transportation well in advance.
We conveniently stayed at a hotel walking distance from the venue, and I definitely recommend doing the same if you are coming from out of town (or even for those who are local). If there are a lot of other fans staying at the same hotel, bake in elevator wait times to your departure time.
If you plan on Ubering, make sure to schedule them well in advance to the concert. We witnessed an insane traffic scene upon leaving the venue.
Wear shoes you’ll be most comfortable in, as it is a long early evening into late night (yes, my most comfortable are 6 inch heels)!
If you plan on purchasing merch, get there early. Also, pack a tote bag!
We got there around 6pm and the merch line moved pretty quickly (there is a stand on every floor), but upon purchasing our coveted goods the line had already more than quadrupled. Also, I saw on TikTok that items sold out quickly (primarily the iconic green sweatshirt that we were able to secure).
If you plan on getting multiple items, they do not offer any free carrying bags. If you do not want to pay for the expensive tote, I recommend packing a foldable one!
Purchase food and/or drinks prior to sitting down.
Though there are some small breaks between song sets, I recommend getting everything beforehand so you do not have to worry about rushing back before she comes on. I personally do not think there is enough time unless you are sitting right by a stand.
Keep your eye out for the Cutwater’s; I personally think they are the best cocktail option offered!
Most importantly, get water bottles and stay hydrated — it can get pretty toasty inside the venue.
Scope out bathroom lines on other floors if the one on yours is long!
We were sitting on the floor, and found that the bathroom on the second floor had no wait vs. a line a mile long on the first floor.
There should be an elevator to take you to other floors so you do not have to walk up and down the ramps.
Mentally and spiritually prepare yourself for an experience of a lifetime!
Whether you come alone or with friends, this concert is for everyone! Everyone around us was genuinely kind and there for an amazing time!
I truly don’t think I’ll ever recover as every small detail of the show was perfection: the outfits, dancers, visuals, laser lights, props, Les Twins, and the Queen Beyoncé herself.
We were sitting in the second row and got to see her up close and personal (she is absolutely flawless — see proof below), and I feel as though her magnetic energy has been injected into my soul forever. This is the concert of a lifetime!
Definitely block out the next morning to rest and reminisce your incredible experience!
Beyoncé if you ever see this — I LOVE YOU! XOXO
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