Nicole Simonek

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Crystal Guide for Beginners

Get your chakras aligned!

I first started getting into crystals a couple years ago, when I ventured into Ele Keats Jewelry located on Montana Avenue in West LA. I have now grown my collection to 20+ crystals, and am always excited when a new crystal chooses me. Yes, you heard that right. I used to go digging through drawers and asking for meanings of various different kinds of crystals, unsure of which one to pick. Then I realized my intuition was normally right; I started to pick a crystal at random that would always be exactly what I needed at the time only revealing the meaning card after checkout. And so that’s where they say, you don’t choose the crystal, the crystal chooses you! But if you are not feeling so adventurous, you can take a quiz to figure out the right crystal for you here. If you live in Los Angeles, I recommend a visit in-store so you can physically look through the drawers of crystals and pick the perfect one(s) for you!

Below I have included summaries of Ele Keats Jewelry’s meaning cards for different crystals I have purchased and which chakra they align to. You can keep them around your home, use them during your meditation practice, and/or hold a certain kind when you need some extra love and specific energy. You can clean and recharge your crystals by not actually spraying with cleaning product, but putting them in rice overnight, leaving them out in the moonlight (especially during an eclipse), soaking in saltwater, smudging with sage, or bringing to a sound bath for sound healing. They can be stored in wood, selenite bowl, fabric pouch, or abalone shell.

This guide is not meant to replace any medical attention, so use it only for the purpose of enhancing mindfulness practices, support, and energy alignment!

* Credit: Summaries based off of meaning cards provided by Ele Keats Jewelry with crystal purchase


Chakra: Third Eye & Crown

Properties: Protective, healing, purifying, adaptive, calming

  • Creates a shield of wellness

  • Adaptogen; provides what one needs

  • Aids in communicating with spirit guides


Chakra: Crown

Properties: Calming, soothing, healing, creativity

  • Calms upset states of mind and emotions

  • Quiets critical voice

  • Helps to embrace who they truly are

  • Healing stone for insomnia

  • Heightens creativity and ability to express one’s self


Chakra: Crown, Sacral, Solar Plexus

Properties: Abundance, prosperity, success

  • Ultimate stone of abundance, prosperity, and success

  • Carries the power of the sun

  • Never needs cleansing - absorbs, transmutes, dissipates, and grounds negative energy

  • Awakens higher mind and promotes inner calm


Chakra: Heart & Third Eye

Properties: Balancer, calming, stress-reliver

  • Clears the aura

  • Allows one to be in the present moment

  • Aids insomia

  • Helps people going through life transitions


Chakra: Throat, 3rd Eye, Crown

Properties: Calming, soothing

  • Stone of angels

  • Provides protective shield of area

  • Helps open to meditative state

  • Represents peace to the world

  • Enhances creativity and psychic ability


Chakra: Throat

Properties: Powerful, love, compassion

  • Connects deeply on cellular level

  • Perfect companion stone for healers, energy workers, intuitives

  • Guides towards highest good


Chakra: Heart & Solar Plexus

Properties: Healing, joyful, playfulness, lightness

  • Heals the heart

  • Encourages self-love

  • Connects to happiness of a child

  • Boosts the mind, encourages positive attitude

  • Soothes emotional stress


Chakra: Heart

Properties: Love, joy

  • Stone of universal love

  • Opens heart to energies of love

  • Helps listen to inner voice and follow intuition

  • Teaches joy and celebration

  • Eases stress

Blue Lace Agate

Chakra: Throat

Properties: Healing, cooling, calming

  • Brings peace to the mind

  • Teaches that words create our reality and are a reflection of our highest self

  • Centers spirit

  • Assists with positive verbal expression

Ocean Jasper

Chakra: Solar Plexus, Heart, & Throat

Properties: Joyful, harmony, balance

  • People living, working, and being together in harmony

  • Perfect for homes and offices

  • Allows to appreciate blessings in life

  • Encourages to speak and act in positive, balanced way


Chakra: Heart

Properties: Purity, serenity, wisdom, tranquility, stabilizer

  • Powerful healing stone

  • Prized in the East

  • Stabilizes mind and integrates the mind with the body


Chakra: Third Eye, Heart, & Root

Properties: Growth, healing, enjoyment, freedom

  • Helps see the gift that is every breath

  • Powerful healer of emotional body

  • Alleviates the pressure from negative thoughts and feelings

  • Brings mind, heart, body, soul, and spirit into perfect harmony

  • Brings freedom so true self can come through


Chakra: Root

Properties: Fiery, multi-tasker, passion, love, strength, adventurous, healer

  • Fieriest of them all

  • Valued above diamonds at one time

  • King of Precious Stones

  • Attracts love, ignites passion, encourages strength, incites adventurous spirit, heals the heart, and grounds the soul


Chakra: Third Eye

Properties: Royal, activator, magnifier

  • Used by Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt on their tombs

  • Stone of royalty

  • Activator of psychic centers, enhances intuition and access to spiritual guidance

  • Magnifies intellectual ability - better learner and teacher

Angel Aura Quartz

Chakra: Crown

Properties: Alchemy, synergy, healing

  • Artificially enhanced, but uses ancient powers of alchemy and synergy

  • Expands consciousness

  • Heals physical and spiritual body with high vibration

  • Sweet energy

  • Allows one to receive help from angel guides

  • High levels of spiritual energies beneficial to one’s aura


Chakra: Solar Plexus

Properties: Grounding, intellect, logic, creativity, memory, protective

  • Career and protection stone

  • Encourages to overcome fears and take action

  • Strong masculine energy

  • Brings good luck and good fortune


Chakra: Root

Properties: Grounding, balancing, manifester

  • Derived from Greek word for blood

  • Most effective at grounding oneself in the body and physical world

  • Balances auric field and aligns chakras

  • Aids in manifesting dreams out of fantasy to reality

Clear Quartz

Chakra: All

Properties: Clarity, calming, abundance, love, light, harmony

  • Provides sense of calm and clarity

  • Clears mind of judgements

  • Makes room in head and heart for abundance and love

  • Enhances positive thoughts and feelings towards light, love, and harmony; teaches to live, laugh, love

Rose Quartz

Chakra: Heart

Properties: Love, peace, purifier, healing, self-love

  • Stone of unconditional love and peace

  • Purifies/opens heart for inner healing and self-love

  • Bathes body, mind, and spirit in healing, high frequency bright light

  • Encourages self-forgiveness, acceptance, self-trust, and self-worth


Chakra: Heart

Properties: Protective, healing

  • Protective and healing stone

  • Known as the genius stone; increases concentration, clears mental fog, improves decision-making

  • Reveals soul purpose and sacred path

Pink Opal

Chakra: Heart

Properties: Love, compassion, strength, self-worth

  • Crystal of love and compassion

  • Allows one to channel their inner strength, and realize self-worth

  • Heals emotional heart; provides feeling of loved ones embrace

Aqua Aura Quartz

Chakra: Throat

Properties: Success, abundance, prosperity, communication, healing

  • Success and abundance stone

  • Can bring prosperity and wealth

  • Enhances communication, and helps access truth of emotions balance emotional extremes, aligns and clears emotions

  • Aligns etheric body with emotional body, activates soul energy, soothes and heals aura

Herkimer Diamond

Chakra: Third Eye & Crown

Properties: Clarifying, cleansing, purifier, creativity

  • Full chakra cleanser of spiritual channels

  • Promotes creativity and spiritual vision

  • Allows to connect to past lives and karmic patterns

  • When two lovers each have one, their souls can communicate even oceans apart