International Women’s Day

A time for reflection, uplifting other women, and supporting women’s causes.

Happy International Women’s Day! If no one has recognized you today, here is me digitally giving you your roses! I would not be where I am without the women and allies in my life, and I am of utmost thanks to them. From small interactions to close relationships, women continue to amaze me with their resilience, love, and brilliant achievements.

If you exist in an environment that does not look like you, I see you and am so proud of you for continuing to show up! And a special shout out to the allies who choose to lift up women and take responsibility in improving women’s rights - I also see you and am so appreciative!

This year has been especially hard on women, with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, death of Mahsa Amini, and much more. I put together the steps I am personally going to take to reflect on this day, and have included various resources if you want to learn more about ways to support women.

This year’s theme is 'Embrace Equity’. Take these steps with a grain of salt, and come up with your own personal way of celebrating this day! The resources I include only scratch the surface, and I encourage you to look into your own women-centered topics of interest! XO

Reflect on What This Day Means to You

For me, this day is about minimizing virtue signaling as much as possible and really turning inward on where women’s rights stand today (especially internationally), and what I can work on to better support women. This reflection will be different for everyone, and I encourage allies to participate in this exercise as well. This may include coming up with goals, reading and learning, amplifying women’s voices, researching new role models to add to your daily feed, or making conscious efforts to support specific businesses.

Show Appreciation for the Women in Your Life

This should be done everyday, but if there is a day to show the women in your life some extra love, today is it! Simply wishing a Happy International Women’s Day or recognizing efforts will be greatly appreciated.

Who Are Your Women Role Models?

This is extremely important to establish, especially for women to have the motivation and influence to achieve big dreams. If you don’t have any, focus primarily on doing some research today! Many people’s role models are aligned to their intersectionality, where they look like you or come from a similar background. However, plenty of people have role models who look nothing like them and have admirable achievements, values, and/or traits they are wanting to exude.

Mine include women of mixed Asian background like myself, and women who have made it up the ranks with resiliency. They can range across pop culture, the business space, and your personal life!

Read about Current Stats and Other Women’s Perspectives on IWD

I especially love to do this on International Women’s Day. Now that you have role model(s) aligned to your own intersectionality or values, the next step is to diversify and expand this list. If you are feeling adventurous and open-minded, read up on the perspective of a woman you normally don’t follow of a different age, race, social class, occupation, or sexual orientation. Get current on where women stand in terms of stats and achieving gender equality.

Here are some articles/books I will personally read:

What Women’s Causes Do You Support?

This can be at a micro or macro level. Do you have a local women-owned business that you would like to support? Do you have women friends and/or family that are entrepreneurs or could use some more support in their jobs or at home?

Are there any women-focused current events or non-profits you can raise awareness about or donate to?

Take some time to really map out what your values are surrounding women’s causes and why. Even just honing in on one cause close to your heart is very meaningful, and will make a difference.

These are my family/friend’s businesses and initiatives that I love to support. Show them some love!

Personally, causes close to my heart are supporting women in tech and women impacted by global events.

These are some women-owned businesses I like to support on a frequent basis and incorporate their products and services into my routine:

Additional Resources


Lover Girl Book Club


The Beginner’s Guide to Astrology